Friday, January 25, 2013

Update on My Life!

Hey guys hope you're all having a very happy Friday! I know that I'm super glad that it's the end of the week. So today I was thinking about doing a review but I decided to save that for another day. Today I want to give you all a little inside scoop on my life. As you might know from my "New Year's Resolutions" post, one of my goals for this year is to lose some weight and get fit. I want to live a long and happy life and exercising and eating right is the way I'm gonna get there!
So on Monday the 21st I started a whole new workout routine that before recently, I never saw myself doing. It's harder than any other at home workout I have ever done. And believe me I've done plenty. This workout is rough, tough, and it's completely mind blowing. It's crazy, it's exhausting, and I'll give you a hint as to what it is...It's INSANE. That's right. If you haven't guessed the workout by now, it is the INSANITY by Shaun T workout.
Let me tell you all a little bit about the INSANITY workout. First off as I's tough...really tough. It combines cardio, strength training and so on to get you an insanely ripped and toned body. It utilizes interval training (quickening your heartbeat and then slowing your heartbeat) to get the best results. I can see from Shaun T himself but also from the other people working out with him (in the videos) that you really do see amazing results. However I will say cannot just decide one day "I think I'm gonna do the INSANITY workout. Sounds like fun!" Yeaaaaah.....NO. You can't expect to go from couch potato to the next day doing these workouts. They are really, really hard and they seriously recommend that you consult your doctor before starting this workout. I'm not trying to discourage you if you've been wanting to try this workout system out, but it is a warning to all. You should be in at least (In my non-professional opinion) okay shape to start these workouts.
So when I got these videos I'm not gonna lie I was actually scared. I procrastinated and procrastinated and then procrastinated some more and then...I started the workout...
The first day was a toughie. And so was the second. The third...yeah kinda. But now I'm on my fourth day although it was ALL cardio today, I have to say, it's getting progressively easier to do. I can't wait until the two months are over to see my results, but I actually look forward to going home everyday and working out (something I never thought I would say). But hey, as Elle so nicely put it "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy." And it's so true. I feel good after my workout (despite the aches, pains, and fatigue) and I'm so proud of myself for doing something good for my body. 
I 100% recommend to people (who are capable) to start this INSANE workout. From just four days I feel better than I have in a long time. Thank you Shaun, and thank you INSANITY!
Let me know in the comments down below if you guys are interested in my "getting fit" journey and want to see my new measurements and weights.

Thank you all so much!

You can always reach me at
and don't forget to check out my facebook page for updates on my blog!

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