Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Awesome DIY Lip Scrub!

Hey guys! I Went back to school today and all I wanted to do was fall on the ground, curl up in a ball, and fall asleep! So yesterday I decided to scrub down my lips for extra soft lips and today I want to share my easy DIY (Do It Yourself) lip scrub with you guys. All it takes is two ingredients honey and brown sugar (you can also use plane sugar or salt). Take 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and add 1/2 a tablespoon of honey to that. Mix it all up until you get a sort of chunky paste out of that. Then all you have to do is apply it to your lips. Go in small circular motions back and fourth on the upper and lower lips. Make sure to be gentle or you'll hurt or cut your lips. After this wash off your lips with warm water and you can repeat the process once more for super soft lips. When all is said and done and you've rinsed and dried your lips put on your favorite lip balm or chap stick (in my case Vaseline). Having super soft kissable lips doesn't have to be expensive. You can use these two easy and common household ingredients can help you achieve the best lips of your life.

Thank you all so much!

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