Friday, November 9, 2012


How's it going everyone? Good I hope! I'm so excited because I might be going shopping tomorrow if there's nothing on the schedule and I'm super excited because I haven't gone shopping in the longest time. I myself find it weird that I get so excited to go shopping but I really do I can't explain it. When I was younger I never used to go ever! Maybe once or twice a year. Now I make a point to go at least four times a year. Now I know to some girls that's nothing but it's also a lot to some. I really try to be frugal with my money and save it up because I work hard for it and I know I shouldn't just blow it all on makeup and jewelry and clothes but I think doing that four, maybe five times a year is acceptable...don't you? Anyway I plan on going to Target and maybe a couple other stores but I want to check out any new makeup products they have. Any suggestions? Makeup or otherwise I would love to hear what you guys have buying and loving at Target.

Thank you all so much!

You can always reach me at

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